
POS software like with any technological invention is said to have undergone tremendous changes with respect to its applications and operations. The initial POS systems were considered to be hardware electronic devices like registers and credit card readers which slowly changed to POS system. It was installed at vendors’ system and required installation of huge number of servers and cables that relied heavily upon a specialist to operate it, thus increasing expenses. Hence, the whole process of maintenance and installation become quite expensive and cumbersome. Then was introduced cloud-based POS system which helped to wash out the issues faced with the legacy POS. Software and hardware equipments are not required for operation purpose by Cloud-based POS and POS is offered only as service. This way, all hassles faced with its installation is done away at place of operation.

What benefits cloud-based POS offers?

• Flexibility & ease of integration: Legacy POs solutions were found to have rigid development cycle, while cloud based ones came with greater flexibility, thus making POS integration and optimization much easier with the existing or new system. Also, there is no hassle of worrying about software/hardware problems or server crashing, since all data gets stored on the cloud.
• Software upgrades: There are added and updated new features in the POS software, without having to face any downtime or physical requirements to be met. Since it is a remote server, the issue of experiencing short storage space is completely eliminated.
• Greater accessibility: The POS does allow several businesses to get integrated with it and it is possible to make payments from anywhere in the globe and not only from the business front desk. Instant printing of customer invoices is allowed. However, digital invoices are favored upon by customers lately, something that is offered by Cloud-based POS.
• Reduced risks: Since sensitive data gets stored online in remote location on cloud, virus attacks causing data loss or risk of getting hacked is virtually very low. It also keeps the data secure and safe.
• Affordability: Cloud-based POS solutions are considered to be inexpensive and within easy reach of small entrepreneurs, unlike that of expensive legacy POS systems. Moreover, it can be effortlessly used by big and small businesses alike due to its affordability, flexibility and reliability.
• Efficient client value creation: A good number of POS developers have kept client satisfaction as their main focus and have been developing constantly new features for the applications. The new upgraded features do offer great benefits to businesses. They are also integrated within the existing software, as well as offered to clients without any extra cost.

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